Update 0.2.2 - more

A rebalance has been made to the zombies!
No more do you spend your entire clipazine on one zomborg! no more! Now, an average zombie takes merely 3 shots to kill...

And now, I introduce the Green Zombie. They're a new variant that takes 4 shots to kill as opposed to the new 3 of the White Zombie.That is The green zombie

You are seeing the green zombie

Not to mention, new console commands.

NZ - disable zombie spawn
sorc - fun sorcery command

Also also, you can now click the mute buttons to mute stuff...
Also times three, the mobile controls have been fixed slightly! They're still god-awful but they're there for the willful loner!!!!!
Minor tweaks to random stuff, and that is basically it...

This is the end of the update log now!


Something feels rotten.


Fourth Week 0.2.2.zip Play in browser
66 days ago

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